Download Paltalk to connect 4 million user, It’s Free

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1 Response

  1. Anonymous says:

    For my review I think Paltalk’s wide selection of chat rooms and active user community is among its best attributes. They have G (general), R (rated-R), or A (adult). I think it’s biggest strength is its chat and I highly recommend you check this program out.

    This are the PROS:

    Solid chat room functionality
    Client is lightweight
    Webcam just works


    Half-baked design
    Major Flash 10.1 bug
    Requires client download

    Paltalk is a great way to stay in touch with and make new friends.

    Ease of Use:

    Paltalk Messenger has an easy to use interface enabling you to navigate through the system quickly. Paltalk Messenger has three main tabs to navigate through the many community chat rooms and your buddy contacts. Clicking on any one of these tabs will display lists of people and chat rooms so you can see what’s out there and be a part of it.
    It lets you explore worlds of subjects and throngs of people within thousands of chat rooms. Serious chatters will enjoy the diversity and endless possibilities. However, for video conferencing and pc-to-phone calling capabilities you should consider our top-ranked video chat IM software, Windows Live Messenger.

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